Care Guide
Some tips worth knowing about Leather, Nubuck and Suede:
Nubuck is a type of leather made from cowhide, it is sanded to create a nap and is made from the outside hide which makes it stronger and more durable. It must be cleaned and protected with products that are designed for nubuck. Suede is made from the inside of the hide making this vulnerable from to staining and a little more delicate. Leathers can have many different finishes ( ie Waxed or polished ). Leathers are a natural product and many different environment's do have an impact on the life span and function of the boots so it is important that correct care and regular cleaning is given. For daily use of riding boots we recommend you have a second pair of practical boots to change into for mucking out, yard duties and general field use, riding boots are not meant as an alternative to yard boots, as be continually submerged in water and muck will damage the leather used on those products.
Cleaning Do's
- Dirt is best removed with a wet soft brush or sponge with clean luke warm tap water.
- With suede or nubuck do not submerge, gently clean we recommend using a special nubuck/suede care product (products can be found on our website).
- Zips need special attention and cleaned regularly with a small brush, ensure all mud and horse sweat is removed between the teeth to allow the zip to run smoothly. Leaving zips to dry out with any dirt on will have an impact on the life span.
- After zip cleaning we would recommend using a lubricant spray before the first use again. Never force the zip and always open the zip completely before putting the boot back on.
- If the lining of the boots have got wet please dry out thoroughly before using again ,crumpled up news paper works well inside. Some of our boots do have removable insoles for ease of drying.
- Laces must be removed and cleaned separately, these can become brittle with time.
- All leathers need at least 24 hrs for drying ( depending on the amount of moisture absorbed ) in a dry ventilated room not in direct sunlight, radiators, fireplaces or any other heat source. Wet leathers can become brittle and shrink often resulting in cracks and other damage.
- Waxed and polished leathers: use a protector spray in a circular motion, allow to dry for 5mins before using a nourishing cream or balm/dubbin with a soft cloth paying attention to the foot area where the boot will have a natural foot crease. Also using a polish will help the appearance and scuff marks (you cannot apply too frequently) products can be found on our website.
Cleanings Dont's
- Never leave your boots covered in muck and mud to dry out without any treatment and expect a good life span!
- Never dry your boots in direct contact with a heat source like a radiator or a fireplace.
- Do not use aggressive products and detergents to clean the boots.
- Never store boots when still damp or store folded.
- Do not leave zips with dirt in and force down at any time (please see our wear guarantee).
- Any boots with laces do not soak and leave next to a heat source.
- Never forget the boots are leather and will dry out if left.